Author Topic: ทดลองใช้ BMJ OnExamination & BMJ Learning until "Oct 20th, 2013"  (Read 9725 times)

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ข่าวทดลองใช้ Trial until "October 20th, 2013"

# BMJ OnExamination เหมาะสำหรับช่วงใกล้สอบนี้นะคะ
We want to help you pass your medical exams.

Institution: Chulalongkorn University
Access Code: chulatrialsept13

# BMJ Learning,
BMJ Learning features hundreds of accredited, peer-reviewed learning sessions in text, video, and audio formats.

กรุณาสร้าง login
Users are required to register their personal profiles within the university's network first.
After they have registered, they can login subsequently anywhere within an Internet connection to undertake the modules.